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College of Agricultural & Life Sciences

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2331
Moscow, ID 83844-2331

Phone: 208-885-6681

Fax: 208-885-6654



Service and Soil Science

丹尼·鲍德温(Danny Baldwin)第一次申请365滚球官网是在近10年前. Growing up between Saratoga, California and Sisters, Oregon, 鲍德温喜欢户外探险,正在考虑攻读林业学位.

“Because I had went to school in Oregon, 我已经对西北地区及其提供的东西感兴趣了,” he said. “我从未去过爱达荷州,但当时我对林业很感兴趣,我认为爱达荷州将是一个学习林业的好州.”

鲍德温最终决定推迟他的大学教育,并在美国参军.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve. Now two deployments and almost 10 years later, Baldwin, 27, 你将于2020年5月从伊利诺伊大学毕业,获得以土壤为重点的可持续种植系统学位吗.

A Balancing Act

Baldwin于2013年被派往阿富汗,在那里他协助一个将设备运回美国的逆行项目的后勤工作. 2014年,他回到保护区和加州,打理家族的葡萄园和养马牧场. After talking with his aunts, 叔叔和堂兄弟都有农业学位, 他决定将他的《365滚球官网》(GI Bill®)用于类似的领域, specifically soil science.

“我决定我想走更多的科学路线,我基本上选择了土壤,因为我认为这是一个专门的小程序,我有机会与教授进行很多一对一的互动,” he said. “没有很强的推力或推力进入土壤, 我更想做一些基于农业领域的事情.”

Once he made the decision to get his degree, 鲍德温开始关注土壤科学项目,伊利诺伊大学再次成为他的首选. 这次是为了我大学军事和退伍军人服务办公室的声誉.

“这里有一个强大的退伍军人社区,”他说. “我从来没有去过爱达荷州,但我想我应该去看看,然后搬到那里,不去看现场. It’s been really rewarding, I’m glad I did it.”

Baldwin began classes at U of I in fall 2015, 但三个学期后,他再次被派往阿富汗, missing the next two semesters.

“我能够在秋季学期结束后停下来,然后暂停一年半,然后回来重新注册,” he said. “对我来说,这所大学提供的服务并没有中断.”

鲍德温的责任经常让他离开校园进行训练. 他在位于华盛顿刘易斯堡的第6 ANGLICO(海空炮火联络公司)担任联合终端攻击控制器. As part of this unit, 鲍德温在阿拉斯加的多个训练区工作, California, Hawaii and Louisiana, to overseas including Finland, South Korea and Canada. 但教师们的支持让这些缺课变得不那么可怕了.

他说:“所有的大学教师都为我提供了出色的服务。. “They have been pretty understanding. 如果没有老师们的支持,我是不可能做到的.”

Man looks at machine outside
丹尼·鲍德温曾两次作为美国驻阿富汗部队的一员被派往阿富汗.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve.

A Future in Soil Science

尽管鲍德温决定研究土壤并不是出于对这个领域的热情, he is happy with his decision.

“我不一定一开始就想做土壤,但在参加这个项目几年后,我对自己很满意,因为它真的很有挑战性,” he said. “它包含了物理、化学、生物,你必须把它们结合在一起才能理解.”

After earning his bachelor’s degree, 鲍德温计划攻读土壤科学硕士学位——希望是在伊利诺伊大学. 他目前是杰森·凯利的研究助理, 土壤和水系统系的助理教授,主要研究遥感, evapotranspiration and precision agriculture.

“我可以看到自己在做这件事,因为他的遥感和广泛的图片绘制对我来说很有趣,” Baldwin said. “这是我的军事生涯与我在这里学习的内容联系在一起的为数不多的方式之一.”

As an undergraduate, Baldwin was able to work in Kelley’s lab, helping to design and install weather stations.

“本科生能够在研究实验室动手工作的机会非常罕见,听起来像是来自其他大学的朋友,” he said. “这里有一个与行业领袖合作的好机会,这是你在其他地方得不到的.”

尽管鲍德温获得学士学位的过程并不典型, it was the right path for him.

“我17岁时加入了海军陆战队,所以有几年不上学是件好事,”他说. “我有其他学生没有的强烈动力和远见,这对我很有好处. 土壤有时会把我推到舒适区之外,这对我有好处.”

Article by Amy Calabretta, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Photos by Melissa Hartley, University Communications and Marketing

Published in November 2019

Two soldiers in front of a military vehicle
As an undergraduate, 丹尼·鲍德温得以在助理教授杰森·凯利的实验室工作, helping to design and install weather stations.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website at


College of Agricultural & Life Sciences

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2331
Moscow, ID 83844-2331

Phone: 208-885-6681

Fax: 208-885-6654

