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第6街和雷伯恩街的拐角处 营业厅- 2楼

莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@salamzone.com

网络: 戏剧艺术系



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马修Brumlow committed his life to theater the way that some people commit to a life in ministry.

For Brumlow the two passions share similar hearts.

“I consider theater to be the best kind of church,布鲁洛说, a Master of Fine 艺术 candidate studying in the Department of Theatre 艺术 in the 365滚球官网’s College of Letters, 艺术与社会科学.

布鲁洛在科尼尔斯长大, 乔治亚州, spending Sundays at his uncle’s evangelical church, a diverse and charismatic Southern congregation. Weekly services were sometimes rowdy, Brumlow说, 有现场乐队, loud music and no fear of being too expressive or emotional.

“They would just let it out,他说. “对我来说,这很正常.”

While pursuing an undergraduate degree in English at Lee University in Cleveland, 田纳西州, Brumlow had the opportunity to study abroad at Cambridge University in England. 它就在那里, while watching a performance of “麦克白” by the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford, that Brumlow说 he experienced an epiphany.

“It was like the best church service that I can remember as a kid, but turned up to an 11,他说. “That entire experience impacted me. I was frightened, exhilarated, mesmerized, and alive in a way that I hadn’t been before.

“At that moment, the driven actor was born in me. I wanted to tell stories with that confidence, vulnerability, power and precision.”

Brumlow earned a Master of 艺术 in theater with an emphasis in acting from Northwestern University. He then joined Chicago’s American Blues Theater. He became an equity actor after a national tour of “A “Streetcar Named Desire,,他在其中扮演斯坦利. 获奖演员, Brumlow has played lead roles on Chicago stages and at top regional theaters across the country.

Brumlow说 the stage and worship services of his youth have much in common.

“社区, 爱, the power of a good story told well — they can both be pretty affirming and life changing,他说. “And with theater, truly anyone can enter the space without judgement.”

After two decades acting in Chicago, Brumlow felt the call to teach the craft of acting and try his hand at directing, 也.

“Acting is such a mysterious thing,” Brumlow说. “你怎么教呢??”

布鲁洛遇到了马特·福斯, assistant professor of theatre arts at UI, through Montana Shakespeare in the Parks. Foss encouraged him to check out UI’s MFA in directing. 

His experience in 莫斯科 has been rich and inspirational, Brumlow说.

“We have a group of highly motivated, talented young men and women,他说. “The work that happens here at UI is pretty astounding — the students are learning how to do several things well. It’s good to know your particular passion, but it’s also important to have a variety of skills.”

今年2月, Brumlow is directing the early Shakespeare revenge classic, “提多安多尼古,作为他的最后一个项目.

It’s a daunting task and Brumlow说 the play is avoided by many directors who perceive it as too clunky or just too brutal. 布鲁洛的看法不同.

“I find it incredibly relevant right now,他说, comparing the violence in the script to wartime atrocities in Syria. “Anyone who says this play is grotesque hasn’t been paying attention.”

And, Brumlow isn’t afraid of a challenge.

“Shakespeare is the biggest swing,他说. “I 爱 it when roles and plays scare me or put up a rather blunt mirror. That tells me it’s worth doing. 感觉就像跳伞. 任何事都有可能发生.”



第6街和雷伯恩街的拐角处 营业厅- 2楼

莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@salamzone.com

网络: 戏剧艺术系
