
Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
Idaho Critical Legal Studies Journal
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321


Michael Conklin, Andrew Koppelman's Proposal: A Lose–Lose Solution For Religious Liberty And Gay Rights, 14 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2021).

Sidney Balman, Ensuring Black Lives Matter When the Penalty is Death, 15 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2022).

Simon Azar-Farr, 第五巡回法院的曼达姆斯令状——以移民法背景为焦点, 14 the crit- Critical Stud. J. (2021)  

Hayden L. Ballard, Killing Kaibab Industries, 13 the crit- Critical Stud. J. (2020)

2018 Symposium Keynote Address by Idaho Supreme Court Justice Jim Jones

Alexander Calaway, 爱达荷州非经济损害上限:四十年的侵权责任改革和宪法问题, 12 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2019).

Alexander Hayes, 购买正义:世界各地司法管辖区专家证人的成本, 12 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2019).

Patricia Taylor, 谴责被告:共谋者如何无效地援引第五修正案剥夺了被告获得公平审判的权利, 12 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2019).


Volume 10 Issue 1 Fall Edition

Spring 2016 Criminal Justice Symposium
Content Included:
Molly Mitchell, 根据霍尔五案,对爱达荷州为排除死刑而界定智力残疾的法规的拟议修正案. Florida, 10 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2017).
帕特·法克雷尔:《365体育滚球》,美国.S.C. § 1951(A): Is Proof of an Overt Act Required?  10 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2017).
Idaho Criminal Justice Reform Panel held on February 16, 2016

Volume 9 Issue 1 Winter Edition

Eric Anderson, NEPA-Cumulative Effects of Past Actions: Why the U.S. 林务局将在“野天鹅之友”诉第九巡回上诉法院胜诉. Garcia, the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2016).

Britney Ocampo, The State Answer to Flawed Federal Crowdfunding, the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2016).

Volume 7 Issue 1 Winter 2014 Edition

Robert W. Armstrong, Jr., Xfinity on Xbox: A Legal Analysis of Comcast’s Data Policy, 7 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2014).

Gunter A. Gernandez, 从仙境中醒来:通过现代技术进行无证搜查, 7 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2014).

Adrien Fox, 军事等级制度作为一种消除性别不一致性和促进社会接受的手段, 7 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2014).

Tom Rechtin, 回到你的笔记本电脑的未来:在边境搜查中长期扣留数字设备的强烈反对是如何在所有边境搜查数字设备时需要“合理怀疑”的症状, 7 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2014).

Travis D. Spears, 现代世界的民事死亡:刑事剥夺公民权和第一修正案, 7 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2014).

Volume 6 Issue 2 Summer 2013 Edition

Luis Chacon, 这是一个部落,一个家庭:“建立社区和家庭,以生存和超越美国.S. Dominance Complex in Richmond, California, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Kevin Escudero, 无证组织:法律在通过梦想法案运动中的“双刃剑”, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Guy R. Knudsen, 战争即和平:语言如何产生力量并帮助美国规避国际法.S. 使用化学和生物制剂根除哥伦比亚古柯作物的努力, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Angela Mae Kupenda, May it Please the Court?: A short story,  6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Ahmad R. Smith, Tough on Crime vs. Smart on Crime: What’s the Difference?, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Volume 6 Issue 1 Winter 2012 Edition

Rainier Elias, 身份、法律与本质主义:爱情与同性婚姻的关系?, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Doug Litowitz, Law Porn and Its Discontents, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Robert J. Taylor, 批判法学研究在法学教育体系中的价值, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Mark Goldfeder, 权利、保留和宗教:国际人权法和妇女地位, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Zoi Aliozi, A Critique of State Terrorism, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Volume 5 Issue 2 Summer 2012 Edition

Samantha Godwin, 有可能系统地说明社会对司法决定的影响, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Daniel Hornal, 为什么形式主义的要求会阻碍新原旨主义推进保守主义的政治目标, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Jean Mattimoe, The Death Penalty And The Mentally Ill: A Selected & Annotated Bibliography, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Nikki Smith, Children’s Rights Nationally & 国际上,在父母或自己被驱逐出境期间:主权是否胜过孩子的最大利益?, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Louis E. Wolcher, The Critical Imperative, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Volume 5 Issue 1 Spring 2012 Edition

Adam Warr, Congressional Insider Trading: Is Misappropriation Appropriate?, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

David T. Ritchie, 运用杜威的实用主义认识论进行法律分析与传播教学, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

F.E. Guerra-Pujol, 讹诈问题:科斯批判与讹诈市场案例, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

M. Jos. Capkovic, Our Walls In The Information Age, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Volume 4 Issue 2 Conference Edition

Angela Mae Kupenda, Academic War Strategies for Nonviolent Armies of One, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Talibah-Mawusi Smith, 法律与教育不平等:换句话说,黑人写作的困境, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

John Streamas, The Evidence of Memory and Counternarrative, 4 The crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Ann E. Tweedy, “敌对的印第安部落……亡命之徒、狼……熊……灰熊和诸如此类的东西。?“第二修正案和最高法院先例如何针对部落自卫, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Volume 4 Issue 2 Spring 2011 Edition

Nick J. Sciullo, 通过对福柯《365滚球官网》的解读, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Jamie Grace, 隐私作为个人抵抗:探索法律叙事学和对个人隐私权法律架构的需求, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Allison M. Blackman, 人造房屋置换及其对低收入女性的不同影响:违反博伊西市公平住房法, Idaho?, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, 家庭佣工和他们的发言权:住宅纠察让隐形变得可见, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Volume 4 Issue 2 Spring Edition 2011

Nick J. Sciullo, 通过对福柯《365滚球官网》的解读, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Jamie Grace, 隐私作为个人抵抗:探索法律叙事学和对个人隐私权法律架构的需求, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Allison M. Blackman, 人造房屋置换及其对低收入女性的不同影响:违反博伊西市公平住房法, Idaho?, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, 家庭佣工和他们的发言权:住宅纠察让隐形变得可见, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Volume 3 Issue 2 Summer 2010 Edition

Kathryn L. Tucket & Christine Salmi, 爱达荷州的临终关怀:法律、医学、政策和地理, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Paul Finkelman, 第一部联邦人权立法:禁止非洲奴隶贸易, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Eric Engle, A Primer of Left Legal Theory: Realism, Marxism, CLS & PoMo, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

John J. Hasko, Cattle V. Sheep: The Idaho Experience, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Megan O’Dowd, Secular Gender Essentialism: A Modern Feminist Dilemma, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Volume 3 Issue 1 Winter 2010 Edition

Charles Ellison, 将正当程序保护扩展到美国境内未入境的外国人.S. through the Functional Approach of Boumediene, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Anthony Gray, 澳大利亚和美国的挑衅与同性恋预先辩护:法律与社区价值观的脱节, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Renee A. Pistone, 法律现实:卡夫卡创造的虚构世界对理解我们的情感至关重要, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Eric Engle, 严肃对待权利:霍费尔德符号学与权利话语, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Sean Costello, When the Stars Begin to Fall, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).


Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
Idaho Critical Legal Studies Journal
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321