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Frequently Asked Questions

性行为不端是365滚球官网使用的一个广义术语,包括从性别歧视评论到强奸的任何类型的性或性别歧视. Many things can constitute sexual misconduct, such as dating/domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault.

确保你是安全的——你可以随时拨打9-1-1利用紧急服务. Additionally, Gritman Medical Center and Student Health Center are available medical resources that can address physical needs. The Counseling and Mental Health Center is available, free of charge to students, to address mental and emotional distress.

妇女中心是一种半保密的资源,可以提供额外的资源, explain reporting options, and connect you with care and support services. You can report to a UI employee, the Title IX coordinator, or the Dean of Students Office, and UI will provide prompt remedial action, assist in interim measures to protect you, and work toward an outcome to prevent this from happening again. 如果你想让别人采取行动来防止这种情况再次发生, reporting is the most effective option.

You can report to a UI employee, Title IX office, or Dean of Students office and the UI will provide prompt, remedial action, assist in interim measures to protect you, and may result in an outcome to prevent this from happening again. 如果你想让别人采取行动来防止这种情况再次发生, reporting is the most effective option.

365滚球官网必须处理不当性行为的实例,无论它发生在哪里. 此外,《365体育滚球》适用于所有学生,无论他们身在何处. 作为一名学生,只要你隶属于UI,你就同意遵守代码的规则. Even if an incident of sexual misconduct happens off-campus (e.g., at an apartment, in another city, etc.), UI will still look into the matter and take appropriate action.

校内和校外都有完全保密的资源. 心理咨询和心理健康中心是完全保密的,学生健康中心也是如此. Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse (ATVP) 校外的保密资源是否可以提供宣传、支持和额外的资源.

The Women’s Center is a semi-confidential resource. 他们必须报告犯罪统计数字,以便进行统计报告, but no identifying information is recorded (names, locations, dates, details, etc.). 妇女中心可以在没有压力的情况下清楚地解释所有可用的报告选项, judgment or expectation.

The university works closely with the Moscow Police Department. 涉及UI学生的不当性行为将通过MPD向UI报告. 大学有义务调查这些问题,并会与你联系以获得关心和关注或其他信息. Unless you are merely a witness, you have the option to decline talking to UI, 但该大学将尽其所能解决这些问题.

尽快将事件报告给学生主任办公室或第九条协调员. 欢迎您亲自见面或发送电子邮件报告不当性行为事件. 大多数UI员工都有责任向第九条协调员或指定人员报告性行为不端事件,因此向教职员工披露也会促进这一过程. UI will gather information and may conduct an investigation. 调查人员将根据被称为“证据优势”的证据标准(也称为“可能性大于不可能性”)以及是否发现违反了学生行为准则或其他UI政策来做出决定, 学校将根据政策和程序采取适当的行动.

当学校接到不当性行为指控的通知, typically two investigators will be assigned to the case. 调查人员作为中立的事实发现者收集信息. 调查人员会与投诉人面谈(投诉人提出投诉或亲身经历不当行为的人)。, the respondent (the one responding to the complaint), and any relevant witnesses. The investigators will gather evidence from those interviewed, such as photos, text messages, emails, social media communications, medical reports, police reports, etc.

The investigators aim to complete the investigation within 60 days. 复杂程度、警方调查和假期等因素可能会影响60天的时间表. 如果确定发生了违反UI政策的行为,将向学生办公室提交最终报告.

The dean of students may impose sanctions, or penalties, to the respondent if a UI policy violation occurred. Through the student disciplinary process, 答辩人可以在学生纪律审查委员会的听证会上要求对处分进行复审.

The UI will conduct an investigation. 被指控从事不当性行为的人通常被称为被告(回应指控的人)。. Investigators will contact you to gather information. You, as the respondent, are not required to participate in the investigation process, however, the investigation will proceed with or without your participation. You have the right to an advisor throughout the process. The ASUI offers a student defender 您无需支付任何费用,或者您可以选择您选择的任何顾问,费用由您自己承担.

If the investigation determines you violated UI policies, 学生办公室会联系你,并可能对你进行处罚. You can accept the sanctions or request a review of the sanctions.

大学调查人员使用“证据优势”的证明标准. 这意味着调查人员正在确定是否更有可能发生违反政策的情况. It is generally explained as “50 percent and a feather.“重要的是要知道,UI的举证责任低于执法部门的举证责任. 这意味着刑事诉讼程序可以在没有任何正式指控或没有“有罪”判决的情况下开始和结束,但学校仍可以调查并找到违反政策的责任人.

If the investigators determined you violated a UI policy, 最终调查报告将提交给学生教务处操守官. 操守官将评估政策和违规行为的严重程度,并提出制裁建议. Sanctions can range anywhere from a warning up to expulsion. Sanctions are assigned by a case-by-case basis.

如果你不同意结果和/或拟议的制裁,你可以向学生纪律审查委员会上诉. They will conduct a hearing to review the original investigation, review evidence, interview those involved with the original investigations, and either uphold or amend the proposed sanctions.

Contact Us

Physical Address:
530 S Asbury Street, Suite 5
Moscow, ID 83843

Mailing Address:
530 S Asbury Street, Suite 5
Moscow, ID 83843

Phone: 208-885-4285
