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安德鲁 Scheef, Ph值.D.

Associate Professor, 特殊教育 Program Coordinator


ED 406




875周边大道 MS 3080
莫斯科, ID 83844-3080

  • Ph.D., Washington State University, 特殊教育, 2016
  • M.Ed., Washington State University, 特殊教育, 2010
  • MALS, SUNY Stony Brook, Emphasis in Cultural 艺术 Education, 2000
  • B.A, Ithaca College, Music Education

安德鲁·舍夫博士.D., is an Associate Professor of 特殊教育 at the 365滚球官网. He has extensive experience working with students with disabilities and teaches courses designed to prepare general education teachers and special educators to lead inclusive classrooms. Dr. Scheef’s research and professional activities are focused on post-school transition for students with disabilities.

Dr. Scheef指导 汪达尔人的追求, an inclusive postsecondary education program at the 365滚球官网. 他是…的PI 影响, a federally-funded (OSEP 325k) program to provide paraeducators with a pathway to becoming a certified special educator. 作为老师, he received a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching (2013-14) that allowed him to study special education programs in Singapore designed to increase employability of youths with disabilities. Dr. Scheef serves as the managing editor of the Journal of International Special Needs Education.

  • Scheef,.R.霍林斯黑德,A.马龙,K.W .谢尔曼. M.海员,A.萨巴拉,T., & 卡森,J. (2022). Increasing the independence of students with disabilities in the classroom through indirect paraprofessional support. TEACHING Exceptional Children. OnlineFirst. http://doi.org/10.1177/00400599221143457
  • McKnight-Lizotte, M., Scheef,. R.莱文,A.托马斯·F., & 菲利普斯,B. N. (2022). Secondary special educators’ perceptions of transition collaboration with vocational rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal. 11(3). http://doi.org/10.52017/001c.38444
  • Scheef,. R., & McKnight-Lizotte, M. (2022). Utilizing vocational rehabilitation to support post-school transition for students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 57(5), 316-321. http://doi.org/10.1177/10534512211032604.
  • Scheef,. R., McKnight-Lizotte, M., & 格沃特尼,我. (2019). Supports and resources valued by autistic students enrolled in postsecondary education. 成年期自闭症. http://doi.org/10.1089/aut.2019.0010
  • Scheef,. R. (2019). Who and what works: Supporting work experiences for students enrolled in post-secondary education programs. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 1(3), 219-226. http://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12285
  • Scheef,. R.霍林斯黑德,A., & 沃斯,C. (2019). Peer support arrangements to promote positive post-school outcomes. Intervention in School and Clinic, 54(4), 219-224. http://doi.org/10.1177/1053451218782430
  • Scheef,. R.沃克,Z. M., & 地方行政区域,. L. (2019). Salient employability skills for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Singapore: The perspectives of job developers. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65(1), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/20473869.2017.1335479
  • Scheef,. R.B. L., Poppen, M. I.麦克马洪,D., & 米勒,维. (2018). Exploring barriers for facilitating work experience opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in post-secondary education programs. The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31, 209-224.
  • Scheef,. R., & 约翰逊,C. (2017). The power of the cloud: Using Google Forms to aid in transition assessment. 职业生涯 Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 40, 250-255. doi: 2165143417700844
  • Scheef,. R.B. L., & Poppen, M. I. (2016). Developing partnerships with businesses to support job training for youth with disabilities in Singapore. 职业生涯 Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 40, 156-164.


Department of 课程 and 指令

College of Education, 健康 and Human Sciences
莫斯科, Idaho 83844-3082



电子邮件: teached@salamzone.com
